Mark Pappalardo's |
CSC 100 Projects |
Computer Presentations 100 My Ticket to the Big Time I am really looking forward to "making it big" with Computer Presentations this semester. I have always been a real big fan of the internet. Well most of the sites I like to visit Ican't really say right now. However, I have always had a thought in the back of my head of creating one some day. Hopefully I will gain the knowledge and skills, through Computer Presentations, to one day own my very own site. One of my friends who use to go here last semester owned his own site. He told me the up and downs of it and it seemed really interesting to me. So if i take this calss too seriously this semester, you will know why. |
Pimpin' Aint Easy! |
AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE! Well I have truely come a long way since the first day of class. I never thought that Iwould be actually working typing this to upload on my very own web site. Though Ihave learned my way around word, excel, access, and powerpoint, front page is what I love doing the most. I plan to continue my playing time in front page long after this class has ended. I feel that I have learned many useful techniques in this class that will be extremely useful in the rest of my College career. Not only that, but I will be able to use a lot of these techniques when Ifinally enter the work force. Hopefully, that will be a long ways from now. |
Links From Abs |
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